Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy(HBOT) is a non invasive procedure during which patients breathe 100% oxygen while enclosed in a specially designed chamber at pressures up to three times that exerted by the normal atmosphere.
Red blood cells travel throughout your body, carrying necessary nutrients and gases to all the tissues and organs. One of the gases they carry is oxygen, which your body uses to maintain healthy tissues and repair damaged ones.

Inside the chamber, you receive 100 percent oxygen under more than 1ATA Atmosphere pressure which can be increased to 2 to 3 ATA Safely. More the pressure, more the oxygen that gets dissolved in the plasma of blood. Normally, the plasma at 1ATA pressure doesn’t carry O2 in the air that contains less than 21% O2, however, in HBOT, it does due to breathing of 100% under increased pressure at 1.5ATA to 3ATA. All you need to do is lie on a bed or sit in the chamber & relax while breathing in the oxygen. Your treatment session usually last 90 mins.
You may need multiple sessions depending on your condition. Some of the conditions where HBOT is indicated are given below
Diabetic non-healing ulcers
Post radiotherapy ulcers
Crush Injuries to Muscles
Sports injuries
Sleep Apnaea
Anaerobic Infections
Necrotising Faciaiitis
Pressure sores
Post Hair transplant
Vascular insufficiencies | General surgeon Vascular surgeon Plastic surgeon |
Sport/Injuries | Ortho surgeon Sports physician Physiotherapists |
Retinal A Occlusion | Ophthalmologist | Stroke/Palsy(CP) | Neurophysician |
Venous Ulcers | General surgeon Vascular surgeon |
Migraine | General physician Neurophysician |
Non Healing Ulcers | General surgeon Vascular surgeon |
Vertigo/Meniere's | General physician Neurophysician ENT surgeon |
Diabetic foot | General surgeon Diabetologists |
Autism | Nero physician Pediatrician |
Crush injuries/Compartment | General surgeon Ortho surgeon Plastic surgeon Vascular surgeon |
Traumatic brain injury | Neurosurgeon |
Post Radio problems | Oncologists Onco radiologists Onco surgeons |
Facial (Bell’s)Palsy | Neurophysician |
Sudden Hearing Loss | ENT surgeons Speech & Hearing specialists |
Fibromyalgia | General physician Neurophysician Rheumatologists |
Gas Gangrene | General surgeon Vascular surgeon |
Periodontal disease | Dental surgeons Faciomaxillary surgeons |
Refractory Osteomyelitis | Orthosurgeon | Recurrent oral ulcers | Dental surgeons Oral surgeons |
Severe Anemia | general physician Hematologists |
Ulcerative colitis | Gastroenterologist |
Necrotising Fasciitis | General surgeon Plastic surgeon |
You may need multiple sessions of HBO therapy for it to be effective. It’s often SUPPLEMENTARY to the other Mainstream treatments. Your treatment plan and results will vary, depending on your specific condition. For example, if you have a wound that hasn’t been healing as fast as it should or not healing at all, your doctor may recommend HBO therapy along with other treatments, such as wound care, bandaging, and antibiotics. Your wound may require 25 to 30 sessions of HBO therapy before it fully heals.
Inhalation of poisonous gases often requires fewer HBO therapy sessions than slow-healing wounds. For example, a single, significant exposure to carbon monoxide will require only one session of HBO therapy. Additionally, people who experience decompression sickness, or the bends, usually will only require one session to improve their symptoms significantly. In general, the more chronic the medical condition, the more sessions of HBO are required to achieve the effect.
Talk to your referring doctor and our Hyperbaric physician to learn more about your specific & joint treatment plan and outlook. They can help you learn how many sessions of HBO therapy you may need. They can also prescribe other treatments if you need them.
At GVG INVIVO HOSPITAL Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy ( HBOT )is being made available to society to fulfill its Mission to RESTORE, REVITALISE & REJOICE . The HBOT that was used in select life-saving situations for many decades has now become popular in the developed countries for its Limb saving & healing of the
Non-healing wounds on one hand to ANTIAGING on the other hand, to live longer, younger and agile