Root Canal Treatment

Microscopic Root Canal Treatment is a tooth saving procedure which is done to remove the damaged or infected pulp tissue of the tooth. The root canal treatment also involves the cleaning and shaping of the central layer of the pulp, in addition to the filling of the region to prevent any further infection.

A root canal treatment treats the damaged tooth by removing the inflamed pulp, relieving pain and making the teeth healthy again. The relatively painless and effective treatment helps maintain your smile, eat all types of food, and minimises the need for any ongoing dental work. It is a very effective and painless treatment that can get you back to smiling, biting and chewing the food you love with ease in no time.

When Do I need a Root Canal Treatment?

A crack, break or cavity in a tooth can make it more susceptible to sticking of food particles. The presence of sticky food particles on the tooth and the exposed tooth portion invites various bacterias to act on it. This cavity, if not treated, can lead to further sticking of food on the damaged tooth, developing a deeper cavity- which leads to exposing the pulp or nerve tissue.

  • Deep Cavity in teeth
  • Trauma/Fracture to the teeth
  • Long standing Gum Disease
  • Discoloured Teeth
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold fluids
  • Pus discharge from a particular teeth
  • Intentional Root canal for Crown placement

Root Canal Procedure


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Frequently asked questions

A single sitting type RCT requires at least 40 minutes to complete the procedure. However, if we need to perform RCT for the second time in the same tooth, it may take at least 2 appointments of at least 30 min. each for the procedure.
RCT is TOTALLY a painless treatment and does not hurt the patients at all. Anaesthetics are utilised properly to prevent pain during root canal treatment.

Answer: The success rates of root canal treatment ranges from
87% to 99%. The success rate of RCT at Invivo Aesthetics  is almost 99%. A
lot many times; we receive badly done RCT cases where the re-doing of root canal treatment is needed
in almost all cases. We have the expertise to save your teeth with Re-RCT procedures as well.

There are different types of crowns advised for the tooth treated with root
canal treatment, but then the type of crown used varies with the case and choice of the patient.

  • Ceramic – This is the most commonly advised and utilized type of crowns for
    the tooth which is treated with Root canal treatment. It mimics the color and features of
    the natural tooth.
  • Porcelain fused to metal – This combination is stronger than the regular
    porcelain. The durability of these types of crowns is much more too.
  • Base metal alloys – These types of crowns are resistant to corrosion. This
    type of crowns does not require much removal of the teeth from the patient.

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