Freckles Removal Treatment

Tiny brown or black pigments called freckles or sunspots can be seen all over the face, but are most prominent on the cheeks, nose, neck, and arms. UV rays or sun exposure causes these spots to develop. These are typically hereditary and frequently present in persons with light skin tones. Some people have fewer freckles and no noticeable pigmentation as a result. In others, though, they might completely enclose the face.

What Are Freckles?

A form of harmless pigmentation called freckles is most common on the face. There are a number of promising procedures that can help you get the results you want if you want to get rid of them.

Freckles are small, flat, brown or tan patches that mostly affect people with light skin. They frequently occur on the face, but they can develop on any part of the body that is exposed to the sun. They are not hazardous or uncomfortable.

Genetic susceptibility and solar damage from excessive UV exposure are the two main causes of freckles. The pigmentation appears in small spots as a result of the skin absorbing UV radiation and producing too much melanin.

People with fair skin, bright eyes, and blond hair are typically more vulnerable to the harmful effects of the sun and the subsequent development of freckles.

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Frequently asked questions

Freckles are harmless clusters of tiny brown or reddish spots on the skin caused due to sun exposure. They are about 1 – 2 mm in size and usually appear on the face, neck, arms, back and chest. In most cases, they fade away during the winter months. People with a fair complexion, red hair and green eyes are more prone to freckles

There are three different types of peel: superficial, medium and deep peels. These are categorised by the strength of the acid solution used in the peel and how deeply they penetrate the skin. Deeper peels penetrate the skin further and require greater recovery time. At Invivo Aesthetics, we only perform superficial peels, as these has minimum side effects and recovery time.

  • Safe
  • Very effective.
  • It does not take much time to do the procedure.
  • Dermatologist can do this procedure in OPD basis.

Peeling will generally start 48-72 hours after your treatment and can last 2-5 days. It is very important not to pick off peeling skin; peeling is minimal and easily controlled with moisturizer. Premature peeling of the skin will result in dry, cracked, raw skin that may develop into hyperpigmentation.

Depends, 4 to 8 sittings, sometime less and sometime more.

Not much, like mild pin prick sensations during procedure.

Mainly face and exposed area.

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